Kaduk Therapy

Therapy for Creating Work-life balance

Online in Washington state

helping you navigate burn out so you can step back into your life.

Work or school (or both!) are leaving you worn out physically and emotionally. The mental energy of convincing yourself to show up to work or school each day is getting old.

You try to convince yourself that it's not a big deal and sometimes you have moments when you remember why you got into doing what you do. But now, your ideal “sick day”(aka mental health day) looks like being able to spend some guilt free time to binge watch TV and scrolling on your phone.

Of course there's things you wish you had more time for but you've spent the whole week convincing yourself just to show up to work, now you're ready to just rest and decompress for the weekend.

We go at your pace and you set the goals.

It's time to redirect all that mental energy back into yourself. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to start waking up earlier and getting a morning run in 5 days a week (unless that's your goal, then let's crush it!).

I'll help you explore your values and interests related to work and time outside of work. Then talk about where you want to invest your energy and create a sustainable and manageable plan to get you feeling like yourself again.

you deserve a life you love.